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Do you Love Challenges?

Gain Practical Skills and a Creative Mindset for your Future

Engineering Physics, B.Eng.

Faculty of Applied Natural Sciences & Industrial Engineering




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Optics & Sensor Technology

The Technical Physics course teaches students how to apply natural laws to novel technologies and materials. Students are taught laser, microsystem, surface, semiconductor and optoelectronics technology. This basic knowledge is taught clearly and comprehensively. In the lecture hall and laboratory, students learn to think analytically and to find solutions. Due to the bridging function between physical research and technical development and application, the graduates of this course can be employed in many areas, for example in data processing, project planning and software or also in research and development in industrial laboratories, universities and large research institutions.

Fact Sheet Engineering Physics

Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)

Duration: 7 semesters (3.5 years)

ECTS points: 210

Start: October (winter semester)

Location: Deggendorf

Taught in: German

Application period: 15 April - 15 July

Admission requirements:

  • General German university entrance qualification, or please check your eligibilty at the DAAD if you own an international qualification
  • Language requirements

Prerequisites: Knowledge of basic scientific subjects is an advantage


  • Optical technologies
  • Sensor systems

Postgraduate opportunities:

  • Master Applied Research
  • Master Electrical Engineering Information Technology
  • Master Mechanical Engineering


  • No tuition fees, only student union fee
  • International students from non-EU/EEA countries are required to pay service fees for each semester. Click here to read about our service fees.


Career Prospects

Technical Physics deals with the conversion of physical knowledge into future-oriented technologies as well as into processes and products that conserve resources and protect the environment. This requires a solid knowledge of the laws of nature as well as a profound knowledge of the properties of different and novel materials.

Technical physics comprises modern technologies, such as laser, micro system, surface, semiconductor or opto-electronics technology, the application of physical measurement methods to analyse and solve technical problems, the use of software and hardware to process and evaluate measurement data, mathematical and computer simulation methods for the computational acquisition of processes and the evaluation of chemicals with regard to their environmental compatibility.

What distinguishes graduates of the Technical Physics course at Deggendorf University of Technology from other courses? They have a broad basic knowledge, the ability to think analytically and the necessary competences to solve problems. In addition to technical skills, you will also learn soft skills such as presentation techniques or innovation management, enabling you to react flexibly to the demands of the job market. Not only knowledge is imparted, but also valuable insights are gained through the transfer into "skills"; thus you can bring the acquired theoretical knowledge into context.

A degree in Technical Physics enables you to work interdisciplinary in highly innovative areas. The fields of activity of graduates of technical physics range from research and development in the laboratories of industry, universities and large research institutions, to activities in the areas of data processing, software, organisation, project planning and processing, to production and manufacturing, sales and marketing in areas outside of technical physics. In addition, freelance activities, e.g. as an expert witness, are available. Internationally, there are many other career options available.

Subject Overview

Overview of lectures and courses, SWS (Semesterwochenstunden = weekly hours/semester) and ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) in the Bachelor's degree Engineering Physics. 


1. Semester SWS ECTS
Analytical Basics of Engineering Studies 4 5
Informatics 1 4 5
Physics 1 6 8
Technical Optics 4 4
Basics of Electrical Engineering 1 4 4
English for Engineers 4 4
2. Semester SWS ECTS
Mathematics 1 4 5
Physics 2 4 4
Physics Internship 2 4
Basics of Electrical Engineering 2 4 4
Materials Technology 4 4
Informatics 2 4 5
Chemistry 4 4
3. Semester SWS ECTS
Presentation Technology 2 2
Mathematics 2 4 4
Physics III 6 6
Metrology 6 6
Micro-computer Technology 4 5
Digital Technology 4 6
4. Semester SWS ECTS
Mathematics 3 4 5
Physics 4 6 6
Control Technology 4 5
Micro-system Technology 4 5
Optoelectronics / Laser Technology 1 4 5
Statistics 4 5


Choice of one Focus Area

Optical Technologies    
5. Semester SWS  ECTS
Optical Materials 4 5
Optoelectronics / Laser Technology 2 4 4
Optical Sensorics and Metrology 4 4
Production Engineering Optics 8 9
Project Work 4 6
Innovation Management 2 2
6. Semester SWS ECTS
Complementary practice specialisation subject 4 5
Practical seminar 2 3
Internship - 22
7. Semester SWS ECTS
Optical Technologies 4 5
Photonics 4 5
Spectroscopy 4 5
Colloquium - 3

Bachelor Thesis

2 12


Sensoric Systems

5. Semester SWS ECTS
Industrial Sensorics 6 6
High-Frequency Sensorics 6 8
Optical Sensorics and Metrology 4 4
Project Work 4 6
Innovation Management 2 2
Surface Analysis 4 4
6. Semester SWS ECTS
Complementary practive specialisation subject 4 5
Practical seminar 2 3
Internship - 22
7. Semester SWS ECTS
Spectroscopy 4 5
Bionics 4 5
Remote Sensing 4 6
Colloquium - 3
Bachelor Thesis 2 2