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Do You want to save the world?

Polymers are an important part of the solution.

Sustainability in Polymer Engineering, M.eng.

faculty of mechanical engineering & mechatronics





of all dit graduates

will find a job

within 2 months






You want to save world? Polymers are an important part of the solution.


 #polymerscience    #plastics    #sustainability    #fibre-reinforced-polymers    #bio-based-plastics    #lifecycle-management    #innovation-management    #production-technologies    #lifetime-design    #polymerscience   #plastics    #sustainability    #biobased-plastics   #lifecyclemanagement    #innovationmanagement    #productiontechnology    #lifetimedesign


Polymers play an essential role in our economy and will be critically necessary if goals of CO2 neutrality and improved energy efficiency are to be met.  The low specific density combined with the ability to create a virtually endless variety of shapes make polymeric materials – plastics – indispensable tools in today's and tomorrow's world.
This program will lead students through the stages involved in the design, development, testing, production, and, last but certainly not least, the recycling of plastics.  While recycling is important, this program also focusses on sustainability as a guiding principle during the entire product lifecycle and beyond.

Our technology campus in Weißenburg, about 60 km south of the major metropolitan area of Nürnberg (Nuremberg) is uniquely equipped to enable students to achieve their goals.  Modern processing technologies, analytical capabilities and a motivated staff stand by to assist students in all stages of the program.

The course aims to provide graduates with German at the B1 fluency level, which will greatly facilitate the students' ability to integrate into the labor market.  

fact sheet Sustainability in Polymer Technology

Degree: Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)

Duration: 3 semesters (18 months)

ECTS points: 90

Start: March (summer semester)

Location: TC Weissenburg

Taught in: English

Application period:

  • Entry in March (summer semester): 1 October - 15 January

Admission requirements:

Background knowledge: German A2 level


Enquiries: welcome@th-deg.deprospective student advisors

career prospects

After completing your studies, you can work in all areas of the polymer industry. The range of activities is diverse, with various aspects of sustainability always in focus:

  • Product design
  • Sales and marketing
  • Supply chain management
  • Process development
  • Lifecycle analyses
  • Lifetime design
  • Reliability assessments
  • Recycling technologies

Although the focus is on plastics, the knowledge and principles acquired can be transferred and applied to other industries and a wide range of materials.


The English-taught Master's programme is designed as a full-time course and spans three semesters.

If you have not completed a German-taught Bachelor's degree, you can improve your German language skills to a B1 level during the course, ensuring the best possible entry into the German job market.

The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering & Mechatronics places great emphasis on practical teaching. Therefore, in many subjects, practicals are assessed alongside theoretical foundations. Project work is also an integral part of the programme.

subject overview

Overview of lectures and courses, SWS (Semesterwochenstunden = weekly hours/semester) and ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) in the Master's degree Sustainability in Polymer Technology. 


1. Semester SWS ECTS
Polymer Materials 1 4 5
Process and Control Engineering and Automation 4 5
Polymer Processing 4 5
Fiber Reinforced Plastics and Development Strategies 4 5
Sustainability Technologies 4 5
Innovative Production Technologies 4 5
2. Semester SWS ECTS
Polymer Materials 2 4 5
Lifecycle and Innovation Management 4 5
Methodology in Research and Case Study Sustainability Technologies 4 5
Lifetime Design and Reliability Assessment 4 5
Process Optimisation, Lean Management and Quality Management 4 5
Intercultural Communication and Language 4 5
3. Semester SWS ECTS
Colloquium - 5
Master Thesis - 25